Short Term Management 1
A manufacturing organisation was having a challenging time with an unresolved EBA negotiation. This had gone on for a number of months and had resulted in a few stop work and strike actions. There was an aggressive relationship between management and employees. The prognosis was for protracted negotiations to continue for an extended period. I began by engaging employees with the real daily issues causing them frustrations. These centred around quality, lack of appropriate resources and respectful encounters with administrative staff. As a result a shift in perspectives emerged. I temporarily stepped into the Operations management role. This allowed for many of the frustrations to be reduced and a cooperative working relationship to be developed. EBA negotiations were completed in good faith.
Main benefits:
- Sincere respect returns exceptional results.
- Honest communication with employees, followed by actions, earns trust.
- Employees can turn from being disengaged to highly motivated where they are presented with a chance.
- Using CI tools, stand-up meetings, brings a focus to immediate issues, what we can achieve.
- Re-engaged employees take pride in their work, when there is genuine integrity in the system.
- It was great to work with this team, although somewhat bewildered the hoops individuals needed to go through to complete a day’s work. Unfortunately, it is something I’ve seen quite often, where people are discounted and disabled as a consequence. Delighted to say they have gone from strength to strength and are now thriving.
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